2021果冻剧国产传媒一区,国产亚洲福利在线视频,亚洲 古典 另类 欧美 在线,国产麻豆超清无码AV

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名  稱: 海南自貿港政策干貨精選60條
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On June 1, 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port." The overall plan includes four parts: overall requirements, system design, step-by-step arrangement, organization and implementation. According to the content of the plan, we selected 60 ones from a wide range of .preferential policies.

01 人才個人所得稅最高15%

01Personal income tax for talents is up to 15%      


02Corporate income tax of 15 percent on encouraged industrial enterprises.


03Exempt from import duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax on imported production equipment for enterprises’ own use.


04Exempt from import duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax on imported operational vehicles and yachts. 


05Exempt from import duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax on raw and auxiliary materials imported for production.


06Exempt from import duties, import value-added tax and consumption tax on imported goods purchased by island residents.  


07Raise the quota for offshore duty-free shopping to RMB 100,000 per person per year and expand the categories of duty-free products.


08Exempt from corporate tax on the income acquired from new foreign direct investment before 2025 for tourism, modern services and high-tech industry enterprises.


09Allow qualified capital expenditures to be fully tax-deducted; or to accelerate depreciation and amortization. 


10Tax exemption on imports and sales for overseas exhibits during the exhibition.

11 對原產于海南或含進口料件加工增值超過30%的貨物進入內地免征進口關稅

11Products originating from Hainan, including output products whose added value exceeds 30 percent after the domestic processing of imported intermediary products, are exempt from taxes when entering the rest of China.


12Allow flights in and out of Hainan to refuel with bonded aviation fuel.


13 Export tax rebates on domestically built ships that are registered at Yangpu Port of China and engaged in international transport.


14 Allow ships (those engaged in domestic and foreign trade) that transit at Yangpu Port of China to refuel with bonded oi


15Build Yangpu Port of China into an international port of registry. 


16Adopt a trial policy of tax rebates at the port of departure on goods that use Yangpu Port of China as a transit port for the final departure from China.  


17 Adopt an import &export management system featuring “free flow through the first line and efficient control at the second line” in Yangpu Bonded Port Area and other qualified zones.


18 Allow overseas high-level universities and vocational colleges specialized in science, engineering, agriculture and medicine to open branch schools independently in Hainan.


19Build Hainan into an island featuring innovative and international education.


20 Establish a multi-functional free trade account system.


21 Replace pre-audit with post-audit for the banking sector on authenticity review of cross-border and new international trade.


22 Conduct the negative list of cross-border trade in services for Hainan Free Trade Port.


23Grant enterprises to get access to the market with a prior commitment.


24 Conduct the special list of market access to Hainan Free Trade Port.

25 實行海南自由貿易港外商投資準入負面清單

25  Conduct the negative list of foreign investment access to Hainan Free Trade Port. 

26 政府采購對內外資企業一視同仁

26  Treat domestic and foreign enterprises as equals in government procurement.

27 實施更加便利的免簽入境政策

27  Implement a more convenient visa-free entry policy.

28  以薪酬水平為主要指標評估人力資源類別

28  Salary ranges employed as main indices to evaluate talents.

29  對外籍人員工作許可實行負面清單管理

29  Conduct a negative list management system on the issuance of work permits for foreign employees.

30 允許境外人員擔任法定機構、事業單位、國有企業的法定代表人

30  Permit foreign personnel to serve as legal representatives in legal bodies, public institutions and state-owned enterprises.

31 取消船舶和飛機境外融資限制

31  Remove restrictions on overseas ship and aircraft financing.

32 企業發行外債備案登記制管理權下放海南

32  Decentralize the registration management of foreign debts issued by enterprises to Hainan.

33 擴大跨境資產轉讓范圍

33  Expand the scope of cross-border asset transfer.

34 優先支持企業境外上市

34  Prioritize the support of listing Chinese enterprises overseas.

35 企業境外上市外匯登記直接到銀行辦理

35  Allow enterprises listed overseas to handle foreign exchange registration directly at banks.

36 建設海南國際知識產權交易所

36Establish Hainan International Intellectual Property Rights Exchange.


37Support overseas securities, funds, and futures institutions to set up wholly-owned or jointly-owned institutes in Hainan.

38 支持設立財產險、人身險、再保險公司以及相互保險組織和自保公司

38 Support the establishment of property insurance, life insurance and reinsurance companies, mutual insurance organizations and self-insurance companies.  


39Support to develop cross-border medical insurance products in cooperation with overseas institutions.

40 建設國際能源、航運、產權、股權等交易場所

40 Support the construction of trading venues for international energy, shipping, property rights and equity stakes.


41 Enable non-residents to participate in trading and fund settlement at trading venues.


42Develop over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives services.


43 Conduct cross-border asset management services.


44 Issue Hainan provincial bonds globally.


45 Open up value-added telecommunications services.


46 Conduct services of online data processing and transaction processing.


47 Open up basic telecommunications services in a safe and orderly fashion.


48 Conduct the International Internet Data Interaction Pilot Project.


49 Expand air traffic rights, including the Fifth Freedom and Seventh Freedom.


50 Build an international aviation hub. 


51Build a new international land and sea transport hub to connect Western China with the world.


52 Build a regional medical center.


53 Build a national base featuring China’sblockchain technology and industrial innovation.


54 Build a pilot zone for cruise tourism.


55 Build a pilot zone for reform, development and innovation of the yacht industry.


56 Build Hainan into an International Design Island.


57 Build a national sino-foreign culture and trade exchange base.


58 Authorize the Hainan government to manage and adjust the use of cultivated land, permanent basic farmland, forestland and land for construction.

59 賦予行業組織更大自主權

59 Grant greater autonomy to various industry organizations.


60 Formulate laws and regulations based on the reality of Hainan’s free trade port construction.
